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Nos engagements
Qualité et sécurité

The quality and the safety of our products and services.

Respect de l'environnement

The respect of our planet.

Sécurité au travail

The respect of health, safety and social equity at work.

Engagement n°1Integration of a measure of quality and durable improvment of conception and sell of products.

Delation of controversed molecules from our products

Priorisation of colourings with natural origins for our new products.

Development of products with low rate suger, gluten free and vegan products.

Colorants d'origine naturelle - Vegan - Sans gluten/gluten free - moins 35% de sucre
UTZ certied - certifiedsustainable palm oil

Engagement n°2100% of our chocolates are certified UTZ (cocoa certifed durable)

The majority of our products are certified RSPO (durable oil palm)

Reducing our impact on earth by the gestion of wastes.

The decline of the energetic consumtion (use of LED lights in our buildings), wrestling against waste and promotion of biodiversity (operation "Plantons le décor", 200 local fruit trees in relation with Le Parc Naturel Régional Scarpe-Escaut).

Produits certifiés
Egalité femmes/hommes

Engagement n°3Integration of young and disable workers in order to contribute to the local professional insertion (15 people on the site and 25 out of the site).

Fizzy reached the score of 100/100 on gender equality

Setting up the safety policy which aims to zero accident

Training of collaborators awarness and investisments in prevention and ergonomics

Respect of human rights and attention about the wellness of employees